
Boston Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Accident Results in Settlement

Crossing a trafficked street is a lot more dangerous than the average person thinks. The risk of serious injury increases with the volume of traffic present, a great deal of Massachusetts pedestrian-motor vehicle accidents happen this way.

This was illustrated in a recent case settlement involving just such an accident, when a 34 year-old man was attempting to cross a street in downtown Boston when he was struck by a vehicle in the process. The victim suffered a fractured eye socket, neck, head and back sprains, and several lacerations to his legs, arms and hands. He also eventually required arthroscopic surgery after extensive physical therapy failed to produce improvement. Measured overall, the victim suffered an 8-percent loss of bodily function on the whole.

Luckily, the victim’s lost wages and medical expenses were paid by workers’ compensation insurance after it was established that he was acting within the scope of his employment when he was injured. In total, he didn’t return to full-time employment until18 months following the accident.

This kind of accident illustrates just how much damage can be caused by simply crossing the street. Scary, huh? The take-away message from this is plain: Always be cautious when walking amid any kind of trafficked street: A car, a truck, a motorcycle – even a bicycle – can turn the corner, jump a light or otherwise lose control. And the consequences can be devastating. If you or someone you care about has been injured in a pedestrian-motor vehicle accident, or has suffered a Massachusetts personal injury, give us a call. We’d be glad to let you know your best legal options.